Thoughts on AWD v RWD in the MMe

any thoughts on AWD vs RWD in the MMe?

The difference is just like the difference in an ICE, except that in the MME you have EV torque so AWD makes acceleration feel wildly powerful!

I live in the Detroit area, so I get rain and snow. For me, that makes AWD very valuable. It also doesn’t hurt that total available power is higher in the AWD versions.

Ultimately, for me, it came down to winter stability over longer range.

When I first test drove a Mach E at the dealer they had me first drive a GT. Insane, incredibly fast. Then I drove an ER RWD, and I felt like the driving characteristics met what I was looking for. Both are fantastic, but the RWD with a lighter front end and more range was exactly the vehicle for me. I also live in a climate that doesn’t see snow or freezing temps. Now if they offered a GT with RWD…

My two previous cars were AWD so I didn’t want to give that up when switching to the Mach-E.

But I do have to say, Mach-E has one of the best AWD systems I’ve driven, at least when it comes to ‘dynamic driving’. It gives me the perfect combination of slip and grip and reacts nearly instantly to steering and throttle inputs. It makes cornering in icy conditions pretty effortless.

(I haven’t taken it off-road so I can’t comment on that, but it’s not really that kind of a vehicle anyway.)

I have an AWD, the winter handling is up there with the best I’ve driven. I don’t think the experience would be the same with RWD. I live in Michigan and we have about 30" of snow on the ground right now

MN here… can’t imagine fishtailing with 5,000lbs on RWD. AWD all the way

I’m in the UP, and I think we are up to 150” of snow so far this year. I went with AWD (and great Michelin X-ice snow tires). So happy I did!

RWD Ext range worked for me to get the additional mileage.

I’m in Northern Illinois and AWD was a no brainer for me

All our families previous cars had not been AWD so I wanted at least one car with the option

I’d say if you live in a climate that gets snow and regularly drive in it during the winter then it’s probably worth it

I wouldn’t say it’s necessary in a warmer climate unless you want the extra oomph.

Do u need AWD? Yes if u live in an area where u get a lot of snow and rain so u can benefit from AWD

Do u want AWD? Yes if u r an adrenaline junky like me and u want to experience a few g acceleration force when u press that pedal

I live in WV where we get snow so I wish I would have sprung for 2 things.

  • Extended Range battery
  • AWD

I won’t make this same mistake again for my next EV

Lyric said:
I live in WV where we get snow so I wish I would have sprung for 2 things.

  • Extended Range battery
  • AWD

I won’t make this same mistake again for my next EV

With the range drop going to AWD, it makes sense to go with the larger battery too.

AZ here and I went with the RWD extended range… I had a deal for an AWD ER in my preferred color (grabber blue), but last minute my wife convinced me to go with her favorite color (glacier grey). I had no need for the AWD, but thought it was cool. At the end of the day, the RWD has more than enough power for my needs. I only drive in unbridled mode once in a while (I keep it on engage), but everyone who’s ever ridden in it has commented on how quick it is.

There’s not really ‘thoughts’ that go into deciding on the drivetrain. All you have to ask yourself is do you want/need it (based on your weather, environment, driving habits) and what range you are ok with having. AWD will always have less range because you need more energy for your drivetrain.

AWD all the way

South Louisiana here. I have EAWD, wouldn’t do without it. Not off-roading, but the weather here (actually had 8” snow Tuesday). And storms we get I prefer having that extra to get home.

RWD handles better, so that’s what I went with.

AWD isn’t going to be a magic solution to real snow. Maybe a little light snow it can help. A little bit for traction in general. For EVs like the MME it’s useful for grip during the higher acceleration rates. That’s where you’re going to see the best win. But you aren’t going to be a cornering demon or forego chains/snow tires.

As an owner with a home charger, I didn’t care about the small change in range.