Trying to decide between a 2024 Mach-E and a Tesla, but I’ve been hearing about some issues with the Mach-E like glitchy CarPlay and high voltage battery problems.
From what I’ve read, the battery issue doesn’t seem as bad on the 2024 models. Can anyone confirm?
Nope. If it bugs out, just toggle WiFi on/off on your iPhone and it’ll reconnect. You can even do it while driving. But honestly, it only happens about 10% of the time.
Craig said: @Pace
Nope. If it bugs out, just toggle WiFi on/off on your iPhone and it’ll reconnect. You can even do it while driving. But honestly, it only happens about 10% of the time.
Okay, so it’s not a huge issue? Does it get annoying?
Minor annoyance at worst. Just go to the phone settings on the screen and tap the CarPlay button next to your paired phone. It reconnects instantly.
Still some reports of the HVBJB issue if you search around. CarPlay-wise, the only issue I’ve had is that sometimes music won’t play when I start the car. Happens maybe 1 out of 5 times, but restarting CarPlay on my phone fixes it.
Gannon said:
Most of the time, glitches happen with wireless CarPlay and Android Auto. If you plug in your phone, you’ll usually have fewer issues.
Also, if you plug in for CarPlay, you can use the in-car AT&T WiFi. If your carrier is something different (like Verizon), you’ll have better signal because the car uses both networks at the same time.
For me, CarPlay works perfectly about 14 out of 15 times. When it does glitch, here’s what happens:
Sometimes it won’t auto-connect. I just tap the CarPlay button and it works.
Occasionally, audio won’t play. I have to reconnect, but that’s pretty quick.
Rarely, it won’t connect at all and keeps failing. The best fix is turning WiFi and Bluetooth off/on. Really annoying when it happens, but maybe a twice-a-month thing.
Every once in a while, it lags badly or disconnects. Plugging in the phone usually fixes it right away. It’s frustrating if you’re driving and can’t mess with it much.
I just got a 2024 Mach-E on lease, and my wireless CarPlay is mostly fine. The only problem I have is when I leave and come back within 30 minutes (like a quick stop at the store), it’ll connect but there’s no audio. Toggling WiFi on/off fixes it.
Honestly, I’ve never had wireless CarPlay work perfectly in any car (Toyota, BMW, etc.), so this doesn’t seem like a Ford-specific issue. For me, the Mach-E problem happens maybe 1 in 5 times.
Also, be aware that some people have reported 12V battery drain issues too.